I hope they don't screw with the summoner at all as I have been playing mine as I am bored with dying in the arena as KFM time and again since all it seems to be is cheats and spam to me. I wish THAT NCSOFT would get off their asses and fix these issues along with the lag that many suffer from STILL in the arena BUT they have to see how much money they are going to lose first it seems (and they have lost a fair bit i think as many players are at most playing this game as a game to mess around with from time to time and not a real game that they play regularly) YES the BoTs are annoying as ARE all the other hackers as are the macro users (there are a lot WHEN I fail to do x and they continue in a pattern till the end it is rather obvious). cheap prices for what you are buying and expensive for what you are selling.

The players want to control the economy to fit what THEY want. HOW are they breaking the "soulstone" economy. its kinda obnoxious and they fk the soulstone economy so *cricket*ing hard. I just fought 5 bots in a row in 1750 in 1v1.